Writing and workshops
Lexie is an International Bestselling Author.
“Creating Joy - Changemakers share Wisdom, Rituals and Practices for living a Joy-filled Life” came out on the 20th May 2022 and went to number one in several categories worldwide. This is an anthology by a group of authors and Lexie’s chapter is called “Permission to Play: Releasing Shame and Opening up to Creativity, Pleasure, and Joy”.
This is also the name of one of her signature workshops.
Lexie has developed a method of writing that combines therapeutic techniques and devised theatre practices. Her work is interdisciplinary and intersectional. Whether it’s script development, helping people with writer’s block, intimacy directing or one to one coaching her methods help clarify and give direction to projects, whether they are creative, business related or this project called LIFE.
For more on integrative approaches to storytelling and coaching: https://lexiekoren.com/
She has also published a children’s book : The Lion’s Teeth, a story about friendship and courage.
The Lion’s Teeth available on Amazon